September Newsletter

Dear all,

For all those who haven’t yet figured it out, seen me for a while, or who have possibly been to polite to ask! I am very excited to now announce that I am expecting a baby to be joining the team, he is due on November 1st.

Please don't panic! 

I’m currently finalising plans for my maternity leave, post baby's arrival, but I fully intend to be back with you all and doing what I love as quickly as possible. I am fortunate to be in a position with an excellent supportive partner and therefore I should be able to offer afternoon, evening and weekend appointments as soon as I am physically able. I will be stopping all equine appointments with myself from October-December from a health and safety point of view, however I will be able to offer appointments with my excellent team. For smaller animals I plan to keep working right up until I physically am unable to.

In the meantime, I’ve taken on extra members of staff to ensure all clients are covered so no pooches, ponies or cats go without their regular sessions! You may meet my new members of staff in the upcoming weeks as I aim to introduce as many of yourselves to new staff members with myself present. This will aim to ensure a smooth transition period for when I am on leave, your animal's comfort is my main priority. More details will be announced soon.

For dogs with complicated behavioural needs, I will only be treating these dogs myself to maintain consistency for the dog. Please make sure to book in a check-up appointment before November so I can ensure your dogs are feeling as comfortable as possible before I go on maternity leave. I will be able to offer continued support through video analysis and I will be available to answer messages throughout the whole time period so please do not feel like you are on your own.

In other news, I will be running a workshop on October 20th with Katy Conway from Time for Pooch Canine Massage. We will be teaching you some massage techniques you can use on your own dog at home, and providing you with some fun NEW interactive exercises to help keep your  dogs in top shape. 

This interactive workshop will cover:

  • Understanding canine pain and how it affects behaviour

  • Identifying signs of pain and preventing future injuries

  • Improving mobility and flexibility through targeted exercises

  • Learning effective massage techniques and physiotherapy modalities

Limited spaces available!
Working slots: 8
Spectator slots: 4
To secure your spot, please contact

Cost: Active Participant (1 human and 1 dog): £60 and Spectator: £45

Please use this link to sign up:

Thank you for your continued support and custom.

Any questions or concerns my phone is always on, text messages will be responded to fastest due to traveling between clients on a day to day basis.


Barefoot or shod?