Lily Moffatt Lily Moffatt

Barefoot or shod?

There is always a large debate wherever you go as to whether it is better for your horse to be barefoot or shod. It is important to remember that every horse is an individual and should be treated as such. Find out more in this blog

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Lily Moffatt Lily Moffatt

Stem cell therapy

Stem cell therapy is the cutting-edge of alternative treatment for a range of conditions, find out more in this blog.

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Lily Moffatt Lily Moffatt

Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease

Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease (LCP) causes a lack of blood flow to the femoral head within the hip which causes necrosis and severe lameness. This is (mostly) a genetic condition however in serve cases can be caused by injury.

Physiotherapy will be required whether you opt for conservative management in mild cases to help with compensatory muscle abnormalities or if you undergo surgery. The surgical procedure removes the femoral head to create a false joint therefore needs supporting with the correct build up of muscle mass.

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Lily Moffatt Lily Moffatt

Degenerative Myelopathy


  • Wobbling

  • Difficulty Walking

  • Swaying in the hind-end when stood

  • Falling over if pushed

  • Knucking the paws

  • Feet scraping the ground

  • Paralysis of the hind limbs

    Subtle abnormal gait patterns are usually noticed in dogs aged 8years and over, if you are concerned then please get your dog checked by your veterinarian.

This is a genetic condition that can be checked by the veterinarian using a DNA test. Selective breeding is necessary to prevent this condition. Some breeds are at a higher risk than others. Unfortunately there is no cure so it is important to seek early veterinary care and physiotherapy to help your dog as much as possible.

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Lily Moffatt Lily Moffatt

Intervertebral disc disease

Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) is a condition which effects the spinal cord of a dog. Symptoms can vary dependant on the spinal area affected. Early veterinary care is essential to promote recovery. Some cases will need surgery, others can be managed with rest, physiotherapy and anti-inflammatory medication.

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Lily Moffatt Lily Moffatt

The Golden Rule of 5

The golden rule of 5 for dogs! Learn all about enrichment and how your dog could benefit from some simple easy exercises

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Lily Moffatt Lily Moffatt

Foal limb deformities

Find out more on foal limb deformities and what to do if your mare has a foal with one! How can we help them and what can we do to support the correct development?

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