What is laser therapy?

Laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment which stimulates connective tissue cells, improves connective tissue repair and provides an anti-inflammatory effect. LASER is an acronym standing for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, simply meaning the device produces light of a specific wave length.

Laser is used to provide quick, painless and non-invasive therapy to treat a range of conditions. With laser, inflammation is reduced as part of the optimised natural healing process so it addresses the problem directly rather than the symptoms. When we improve the recovery time of repair, such as when treating tendon injuries or post-operative, we can reduce the amount of scar tissue, reduce pain and improve healing with only a few quick treatments. From muscle spasms and neurological conditions to osteoarthritis and wound healing there is a laser therapy protocol that has been scientifically proven to help.

The therapy can be used in conjunction with conventional veterinary practices, or effectively alongside other complementary therapies and being drug-free it is uniquely helpful where the use of drugs are contraindicated, where an animal is drug-resistant or indeed during competition events when it remains safe, effective and legal. Laser therapy has few contraindications. 

Why do we use it?

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Pain relief

  • Improve tissue regeneration by stimulating fibroblasts, keratinocytes, endothelial cells and  lymphocytes.

  • Improve blood flow

  • Reduce trigger points

What are some conditions we treat with laser therapy?

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Hip/elbow dysplasia

  • Intervertebral disc disease

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Promote blood flow

  • Improve nerve function and regeneration

  • Tendonitis

  • Spondylosis

  • Trigger points

  • Wound healing

  • Post-surgical healing

  • Stimulating healthy bone re-growth

  • Stimulation of acupressure points

  • Increase tensile strength of tendons and ligaments

There are different classes of laser, we use a Class 3B via the Omega Laser system, below I have outlined the class and the potential damage between each laser:

Class 1: Considered incapable of producing damaging radiation levels. Example- laser printer.

Class 2: Emit radiation in the visible portion of the spectrum. Hazardous if you look directly at them for a long time. Example- laser pointer. 

Class 3a: Usually won’t produce injury if viewed only momentarily with the unaided eye. Example- Omega laser with 1-5 milliwatts (mW) radiant power. 

Class 3b: Can cause severe eye injury if beam viewed directly or specular reflections (off a shiny surface) viewed. Not normally a fire hazard. Example- visible omega lasers 5-500 mW.

Class 4: A hazard to the eye from direct, specular and sometimes diffuse reflections. Can start fires and damage skin. Used in surgeries.

Now for the additional science bit for the nerds out there (Like me)!

For low-power visible or near-infrared light to have an effect on a biological system, the photon must be absorbed by electronic absorption bands belonging to a photon acceptor or chromophore (a chromophore is a molecule, or portion of a molecule, which imparts a colour to a compound). Mitochondria, (everyone remembers from biology lessons), are known as the ‘powerhouse of the cell’. Mitochondria convert food molecules and oxygen into energy (ATP) by oxidative phosphorylation. It has been proposed that cytochrome c oxidase (Complex IV) is the primary photo-acceptor for the red-NIR wavelength range in mammalian cells. Nitric oxide (NO) produced in mitochondria can inhibit respiration by binding to Complex IV and displace oxygen especially in injured or hypoxic cells, reducing their capacity. It is proposed that Laser therapy can photo-dissociate NO from Complex IV and reverse the mitochondrial inhibition of respiration due to excessive NO binding. This results in activation of the cell-signaling mechanisms that promote proliferation and differentiation to provide an anti-inflammatory environment tightly regulated by the manipulation of oxidative and nitrative stress.

Basically, it is suggested that laser therapy, if absorbed by the cell in the correct area, promotes the efficacy of mitochondria at their role in cellular respiration. Therefore are more effective at providing cells with energy. In theory making them more likely to work more effectively, heal or regenerate faster. For Laser to be effective, the irradiation parameters (wavelength, power, power density, pulse parameters, energy density, total energy and time) need to be within certain ranges. The “optical window” in a tissue describes a range of wavelengths where the penetration of light into tissue is maximised by employing red and near-infrared wavelengths.

What is the evidence?

It is extremely challenging to compare Laser therapy to other treatments, as studies using Laser therapy are complicated by different lengths of treatment, different machines, and without standardisation of wavelengths and dosages.  


The peripheral nerve endings of nociceptors, consisting of the thinly myelinated and unmyelinated, slow-conducting C fibres, lie within the epidermis (the skin). In the pain pathway, this network of nerve fibres is used to transduce noxious (painful) stimuli into action potentials – to protect you from harm. These nerve endings are very superficial in nature and thus are within the penetration depths of the wavelengths used in Laser therapy. It is this theory that means there are several painful conditions that are suspected to be benefited by using laser therapy.

In one study, repeated treatment with a low-power laser produced relief in subjects with chronic pain. Analgesia was observed after exposure of the skin overlying the radial, medial and saphenous nerves; and in some cases, irradiation of the appropriate painful nerve. What this suggests is that when attempting to treat animals for chronic pain, we shouldn’t necessarily just be focusing on the painful area (e.g. it has hip pain so let’s use the laser on the hip). But more specifically, and indeed with great knowledge of anatomy, be focusing on the specific peripheral nerves associated with the pain.

Wound/Muscle/Tendon and Ligament Healing

Laser therapy at low doses has been shown to enhance cell proliferation (multiplication) of: Fibroblasts – cells that synthesise the extracellular matrix and collagen, produce the structural framework (stroma) for animal tissues, and play a critical role in wound healing

Keratinocytes – the primary type of cell found in the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin)

Endothelial cells lining blood vessels

Lymphocytes – immune cells that are made in the bone marrow and are found in the blood and in lymph tissue). 

All fairly useful cells when it comes to healing! The mechanism of proliferation is thought to result from photo-stimulation of the mitochondria. This leads to activation of signalling pathways and up regulation of transcription factors. Eventually, this gives rise to increasing levels of growth factors, triggering increased cell multiplication. Laser therapy can also enhance neovascularisation (the formation of new blood vessels); promote angiogenesis (the development of blood vessels); and increase collagen synthesis to aid in the healing of acute and chronic wounds.

OMEGA 3B Laser

Benefits: Reduces inflammation, increases cellular energy, repairs tendon and ligament damage, reduces pain.

1. Healing growth factor response through:

  • Increased ATP and protein synthesis

  • Improved cell proliferation

  • Change in cell membrane permeability to calcium up-take

2. Pain relief through:

  • Increased endorphin release

  • Increased serotonin

  • Suppression of nociceptor action

3. Immune system support through:

  • Increasing levels of lymphocyte activity

  • Photomodulation of blood

Read more at: https://www.omegalaser.co.uk/